Erdbeeren für Hunde: Süße Versuchung für deinen Vierbeiner

Summer is just around the corner and the strawberry season is already in full swing. Dogs and humans alike often can't resist the sweet temptation. The small red fruits are one of the most popular snacks on sunny days and are also super healthy.

But are they also good for your dog?

In this blog post, you'll find out everything you need to know about the health benefits of strawberries and what else you should look out for so that your four-legged friend can enjoy this delicious fruit to the full.


We all love them and many dogs are crazy about them too: Strawberries. The small red fruits are also a delicious and nutritious snack for our furry friends between meals. The sweet fruit is particularly well tolerated and also contains lots of vitamins, minerals and important antioxidants.

Here we have put together an overview of the most important nutrients and other benefits for your four-legged friend:

  • Vitamins: The vitamin C content of strawberries is even higher than that of many citrus fruits. Your dog benefits from a real powerhouse when it comes to strengthening the immune system and the body's own defenses.
  • Fibre: The large amount of fibre is also of great benefit to your dog. They provide a longer-lasting feeling of satiety and can help to regulate your dog's weight.
  • Hydration: Strawberries consist of 90% water and therefore have very few calories. Strawberries are a real superfood for dogs and humans and are free from any ingredients that could be harmful to your dog.

Here's another creative tip for you on how to serve your dog the sweet fruit in an even more varied way: On hot summer days, strawberries taste particularly good when they are frozen. With little effort, you can prepare a delicious cooling treat and a kind of dog ice cream for your dog. Strawberries can also be combined with other fruit and a little liquid to make a delicious smoothie. Raspberries, apples, bananas or even blueberries are particularly suitable for this.

Despite their many health benefits, there are some important points you should bear in mind before feeding your dog strawberries.

  • As with all other snacks, the same applies here: Enjoy in moderation. Too many strawberries can lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea. A small handful of strawberries, depending on the size of the dog, is completely sufficient. Especially at the beginning, it is advisable to feed a few fruits at first to test how your dog reacts to them.
  • When choosing your strawberries, make sure they are of good quality and avoid fruits that have been treated with pesticides. Wash them thoroughly and remove any residues. To do something good for our environment, it's best to look for strawberries that are grown in your region and only buy them when they are in season. In most regions in Germany, the strawberry season starts in May and ends in July.
  • Although strawberry allergies in dogs are very rare, dog owners should keep them in mind, especially when feeding them for the first time. Especially if your dog has a nut allergy, there is a risk that he could also be allergic to strawberries due to a cross-allergy.
  • Even if the natural sugar content is very low, strawberries are not suitable for dogs with diabetes. So if you are unsure whether you are doing your dog any good with strawberries, consult your vet beforehand to be on the safe side.

Everything important at a glance

The red vitamin bombs are not only good for us humans, but your four-legged friend also benefits from the important nutrients they contain. Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals are just a selection of the health benefits. As long as you serve your dog strawberries in moderation, pay attention to where the fruit comes from and think about a possible strawberry allergy, nothing stands in the way of this summer snack for your darling.